From: Jason W Neyers <>
To: Obligations list <>
Date: 10/03/2021 14:22:19
Subject: ODG: Australian Contract Law in the 21st Century

Dear Colleagues:


Congratulations go out to John Eldridge and Timothy Pilkington of the publication of their edited collection Australian Contract Law in the 21st Century (Federation Press, 2021):


There are contributions by many ODGers including Katy Barnett, Rick Bigwood, Adam Kramer, David Winterton, and Lord Burrows.


From the description:


There can be little doubt that Australian contract law today exists as a discrete and rich subject which merits serious study. This volume seeks to examine key questions and debates in respect of this body of law. Although appropriate attention is paid to developments in English law – which none would deny continues to be an important source of law for Australia – the focus is nonetheless thoroughly antipodean.


Along with its focus on Australia, this volume is avowedly concerned with debates and issues which are of contemporary importance. It seeks to canvass a range of topics that are of significance today, and which are likely to continue to be of special relevance in the coming years.


The book is divided into three parts. The first focuses upon issues relating to the content of the primary and secondary contractual rights that contracting parties may have. Particular attention is given to the law relating to contractual money awards which, in recent decades, has given rise to extensive debate. The second part of the book focuses upon issues that have emerged at the intersection of contract doctrine and other bodies of principle. The third part of the book focuses on certain issues relating to specific types of contracts.



Happy Reading,



Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)